The project, which is a unique initiative to deliver a specific IT solution, requires both the provider and the Client to have an appropriate approach to its management. In implementation – fix price projects differ from other models by their frozen scope allowing the Client to estimate costs more easily. Commoditech builds a team and management mechanisms to put the project in context and then monitor it.

However, a typical fix-price project is not without its drawbacks – such as less flexibility for changes during the course of the project, the two-sided effort needed to define the scope and estimate labor intensity and risk. Our main experience in the field of fix-price projects is the development of mobile applications (iOS, Android) and webdeveopment (HTML / CSS / Javascript / Apache / PHP / CMS). In this regard, we are proponents of open source solutions, the scale at which these solutions are tested, the community developing add-ons and the cost structure (WordPress, Drupal, SugarCRM, SuiteCRM, Pentaho).

In order to guarantee the timelines and quality of our projects, we use mechanisms to support the management of the client’s requirements and take into account the conditions of the organization. Additional aspects such as communication, resource, quality or budget management support the implementation of the project so that the project goal is achieved as intended.